Friday, August 26, 2011

Should I have a royal wave ???

This week has been a dental challenge.

I was sat down at Monday's lunch for a fabulous Bean and Brown rice Burrito! A piece of lettuce slipped out and dropped to the plate! I picked it up popped it in my mouth and chomped down!

I cracked 2 teeth. Yea a bonus 2 at once!

Now these were teeth that we (the dentist and I) had been watching. So it was ready to go at any minute.

I switch to eating on the right side of my mouth. Not an easy task.
I switch to room temperature water drinking it through a straw.

and call the dentist.

Wednesday afternoon I get the first part of my crown on the tooth that seemed to be the most sensitive. The trauma and sensitivity of the tooth after is always greater than the before!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Life on Thursday

Today started getting computer things done. I always think I'm not getting anything done when I sit there all morning even though I am moving forward on this project but it's not done!

I had the first part of my crown yesterday so my mouth is sensitive so a workout was out of the picture for today. Thankfully it got better as the day worn on.

The weather was perfect today mid 80's and low humidity. Beautiful!

I had a meeting for planning the 'enrichment' meetings for the women at church this afternoon. We got all the ideas for the rest of 2011 in place and most of 2012. That's a great feeling to have those plans in place.

Made a quick stop at the grocery store, then home to enjoy another dose of Advil. Maybe it wasn't getting better I was just getting better at taking Advil!?!?

I had taken my van in for a tune up last night and they called at the last minute and said it was ready. W took me to town to get it! I was hoping to just let this van die but now we need it to LIVE for a few more months!

I spent the night doing laundry and fixed homemade Egg McMuffins for supper with fruit.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Life on Thursday

Wow this is the 2nd day of school, not as much excitement and more sleepy!

I had woken up at 4:14 and didn't go back to sleep until 5:30. I stay in bed and contemplate the problems of the world. Alright not the world's problems but I really pray over my concerns. I usually just finally ask the Lord, "OK what am I suppose to do or know." Once that is covered I can go back to sleep.

When the alarm went off, I was SSSOoooo asleep! G wasn't as eager to get the morning things done (like a shower!?!). He still made it to the Bus on time, much to all the drama that he displayed.

I then went off to visit a lady I go to church with, helped her out for a short time.

Came back home, washed a couple loads of clothes then ......

NAPPED for an hour.

My allergies have been acting up. When I was little I had horrible allergies, but as I've grown up the allergy symptoms have given way to a general worn out feeling. It usually takes a couple of days for to figure out why I don't feel good. Today was the day that the lightbulb went off. I'm not worn out because of eating junk, or not drinking enough water it's because of my allergies. Well, the lightbulb went off because I also had a sinus headache.

I have a big P.E.O project with a deadline coming up so I worked on that for an hour. I made great progress but still more to go!

G's bus ride might be short in the morning but the afternoon ride is LOOoonng! He rode yesterday for 1 hour and 45 minutes after he was out of school. The last on means the last one off!?! There is a transition station at one of the schools and that is always a mess the first few days. I'm hoping the afternoon ride will get shorter!

I still was able to go to my last semi private training session. My workout partner is a teacher so we had to switch to late afternoon.

Came home to a build your own personal pizza and salads, shower and relax

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ just makes me smile

1st day of 6th grade!

My baby is in Middle School! it's not hard for me take, he's really growing up and that's fine!

He was awake this morning when I went in to get him up (at 6:45am). I wasn't surprised. We'd talked about his morning schedule last night so he knew what he had to get done. He had an omelet and a smoothie for breakfast.

He was all about independence this morning. We learned that the bus schedule this year won't be so ridiculously early so he could ride the bus in the morning. In the past it came over an hour (yes OVER an hour) before his school started. This year it seems like he'll be the last one on, and of course his school starts earlier than before. So on the bus he was.

he didn't want me to drive him to the road. I always worry that the bus won't see him. He's not real big !?! but I agreed to stay in the drive way, next to the house. I really ended up doing the dishes at the sink so I could see him get on the bus. Gave him an independent heart and me a peaceful heart.

He switches classes this year, but only within his safe and secure 6th grade pod. In case you haven't looked lately there is a big difference between 6th graders (11 years old) and 8th graders (turning 14) so that was big thing for G (and me!). He does venture out of his pod for lunch (with other 6th graders) and then the last hour of the day. Actually for G he get to go to his related Arts class just outside the pod doors until 2 quarter!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

the BASH is Back!

Last weekend we gathered together for Hubby's family reunion, long ago named the BASH!

It had been years (I believe 12 or 13) since we'd had the last one, so it was high time to gather together. There were the traditional BASH things, like shirts, group picture before Saturday supper, cups with our names on them, staying up too late, kids crafts, trying to figure exactly just how many bashes there have been, and what color have the shirts been and last by not least lasagna for Saturday Supper.

There is now a generation of 2nd cousins that didn't exist before. G is the youngest grandchild in the family but he fit right in with the 2nd cousins, all about his age or younger.

I for some reason am having trouble uploading pictures so .... until I figure it out! There is always the group shot.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Book Review ~ A Stolen Life

A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard

Can't really rate it, it's her story and I can't rate some one's life. It 's a fast read, it's a graphic read (for the first couple of chapters), it's a sad read (I didn't cry though), it's a amazing read (Jaycee is an amazing person), it's worth the time.

I'm amazed that Jaycee was able to keep a level head, or a rational mind while surrounded by two crazy people. Yes, I believe she was in a survival mode, even after 18 years but still able to have a clear mind. She played their game but was able to separate herself from their deranged thoughts and survive.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Find ~ Pinterest

I've worked on getting my Pinterest account set up this week.

Pinterest is a website that allows you to 'pin' things to your board. I think it's similar to tearing out pages in a magazine and pinning them to your bulletin board.

when you find things on the web, you simply pin them to your pinterest board. You can also follow other people's board so see what they like and find!

OH and hey if you want to see my Pinterest boards, go over to my side bar (over there on the right hand side), fine the bright red button, push it and it'll take you to MY boards!

Go ahead, check it out!

Mini Vacation with Grandma!

Grandma Joyce treated us (G, his friend me and herself) to a mini vacation to .......

the boys spent hours in the water for 2 days ......

We took time to get a game in of mini golf .....

And a game of baseball .....

Can you see the boys?

they have their feet up on the wall! Thanks Grandma!

and one last time .. the boys in the dump!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Life on Thursday ~ Meltdown Version

After being on a food binge, lack of sleep vacation the past couple of days it was back to reality today. It's always the fun times that spur a meltdown day (or two) for G. He's tired and used to having too much electronics for him to quit cold turkey. I just have to hold on and let them happen while sticking to my guns! Today was that 'cold turkey' day as known as a Meltdown day".

I got a great boxing workout in. Not without a mini meltdown from G. about how he wasn't going.

Then we got home we had tons of yard work to get done. G just wanted to watch TV so we had a few meltdowns until he realized that TV watching wasn't going to happen. Then he wasn't too bad about doing his chores.

The weather was perfect, 80ish and sunny (finally) for yard work. Our yard needed to mowed badly. I had asked that it be mowed while I was gone, but it didn't get done. I really do love to mow so I wasn't too upset.

I took a badly needed shower, started a new book, fixed burgers, roasted veggies (asparagus, & green beans) and fresh tomatoes for supper and turned in early.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Blooming Monday ~ Reality

This summer has been HOT! with more days than not over 100 at my house! My delicate little plants just couldn't handle it!

I was busy trying to baby them though this heat when there was a water main break near our home. We went 2 days without water. We did fine adjusting but there just wasn't enough water for the flowers.

These little babies just didn't make it! and even though I've still watered them daily they just aren't coming back!

OH well, it's summer time and some you win and some you lose!

Friday, August 5, 2011

My List for the Day

#Temple info to Amarissa *DONE*
#Eggs from Bowles
#Box to Church *DONE*
#Race packet Pickup *DONE*
#Returns to Walmart (if time) *DONE*
#finish School Supply shopping *DONE*
#get things for Humanitarian Aid school supplies (if time) *DONE*
#Laundry *NEVER DONE*
#Pack G
#G make his BS first aid kit
#Lands End returns *DONE*
#deposits *DONE*

Friday Finds

G and I have discovered

on the

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Life on Thursday

I don't know what has happened to me!
I the laundry queen haven't been doing laundry!
Late last night I realized that I didn't have any
sports bras clean for my workout this morning.
I put a load in the washer and promptly fell asleep.

I woke up this morning in a panic to switch the laundry.

It all worked out but this just isn't like me!

We got to box in my Semi Private (2 of us) training session.
Not box against each other but up against dummies.
Not the kind that look like a person
(even though I might like that) they just look like
big pillars. It was a good upper body work out!

Came home cleaned up my kitchen.

Signed up for my next 5k... this Saturday!

Piddled around, then rushed

(I hate it when I do that piddle all day

and then have to rush some where)

to the Post Office.

We, G and I then took off to the city to school supply shop.
WOW it was all picked over and even some stuff couldn't be
found! I'm glad we went today and not next Thursday.

Stopped by the BBQ place to pick up supper.

G ordered a slab of ribs for Hubby and himself!

I've just started laundry again! Hopefully I can get
at least a couple loads done before I fall asleep!