Monday, May 12, 2008

Blooming Monday!

Since my boys had started my deck flowers I went and got more flowers this morning. They were still looking a bit traumatized by the all the handling and re-potting but I'm so excited to watch them "bloom where they're planted". I'll post more pictures when they're looking their best!
I have these plants hanging from my deck railing. There are 3 hangers and I just love them, they are so pretty.

I have a little cactus colony! I love my cactus' in their bright pots. A lot of these little guys have been gifts from my friends, my sons and myself! Some of them have special meaning like the starter plant that my sister in law gave me from hubby's grandma's plant.

I moved these out last week on a wonderfully warm and sunny spring afternoon. A couple of mornings this weekend I thought I'd look out and see them wrapped in their winter coats. I'm sure they were chilly.

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