Thursday, December 11, 2008

Freezer Burnt part 2

I'm still cooking out of the freezer (98 % of the time) but it has it hazards!

On Monday we had Spaghetti (the sauce was in the freezer).

On Snowy Tuesday I got out some Chili (2 small containers) from the freezer. I put them in the pan and popped the lid on and didn't look again all day (the burner wasn't on, they were just thawing). When I finally did get ready to turn the burner on, I opened the lid and ........ Spaghetti sauce. It was late and I went to the freezer and had to quickly thaw our some boneless chicken breast. Needless to say our supper on Tuesday was more like a Midnight dinner.

On Wednesday I tried the chili again.....spaghetti sauce again. I checked right away! Who know I had SO much Spaghetti sauce. I quickly changed the menu to grilled Steak.

Tonight (Thursday) I went to the grocery store on the way home from school ~ smoked ham and Mac and Cheese!


Karies place said...

Sounds like some of my nights for dinner. :)

Becca said...

HA! Hazardous!