Friday, April 10, 2009

Mashed or Smashed?

As I've been sitting here getting you up to date on our week, Good Morning America has been on in the background. Diane Sawyer keeps saying something about Smashed Potatoes! Smashed, really? I've always called them Mashed Potatoes.
It was a several years ago that first heard them called Smashed Potatoes, from some friends transplanted from AZ. More recently my ears perked up when I heard Rachel Raye say Smashed Potatoes ... but really I'd expect it from her ..really... she says Sammie for Sandwiches, why would expect Mashed?

I grew up with most of you and know that you're a MASHED person, or do I just think that? Is there a SMASHED person in the group?


Chanelle said...

I don't say smashed, but the other day we went to a restaurant and they called them "smashed" right on the menu. Maybe it's a political thing to slowly make us except smashed potatoes instead of mashed potatoes ;)

Anonymous said...

They have always been called
"Mashed" at our house and that explains why you always heard them called mashed. In recent years, I have noticed the term
SMASHED being used and referring to potatoes...I always thought smashed was what we called it when we hit our thumb with a hammer. MOM