Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Life on last Thursday

Last Thursday I volunteered all day at G's school,
with an exhibit called, Body Venture.

We, the volunteers were placed in different parts of the display (11 parts), I got the Brain! Then we started at 8:30am with groups of 10 every 5 minutes. We got a 30 minute break for lunch and then started back until 2pm. I could barely talk by the time my day was done and when I did talk it was at a high of speed. Seems they give you a 6 1/2 talk to be given in 5 minutes (5 minutes that include moving one group out and another group in! I just couldn't talk fast enough.

This was SOOOOooo Cool, the kids loved it. They were given a food card in the "lunch room", where they learned about the food pyramid, then they traveled to the Brain .......

enter through the left ear and exit through the right!

Then they entered the body through the mouth........

They then, as their food (on the card) slowly

traveled through the digestive system, heart and lungs.

Fabulous program, fabulous Day!

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