Friday, June 24, 2011

Life on Thursday

I love how I've started doing my "Life on Thursday" on Friday!??! I was just too tired last night to get back up and fill you in!

Today started with the usual Swim Team at 7am.

I had a trainer at the Y show me how to use all the machines there and set up a plan for me. We've been member for around 3 years and I've never done my 'wellness plan' with them so that was good and will give me more to do.

We rush home for a 20 minute eat breakfast and then head off to a Strength Class for G from 10 to 11am. I sat in the car.

We came back home. I mowed for what I wanted to be just 35 minutes but inspite of leaving a noisy timer to ring and telling G that he was suppose to come and tell me when the timer went off, I mowed longer. It seems that G is a TV zombie and when the timer went off, he got up turned it off and switched from watching TV to playing Wii. ???? I only mowed 10 minutes too long and had to rush around to get ready for the next trip into town!

After showering, eating lunch I got G to his next exercise event, Basketball Camp, from 1:30 to 3! Then I went to a PEO planning meeting. We got all of our great ideas firmed up. I am pleased that this is finally getting ready for the next phase of planning.

Picked up G came home. Collapsed to just watch alittle TV. While I was watching just a started to justify that I could just listen to the TV, I would just shut my eyes and listen to it! I know NOW I can see what a foolish idea this is, but HEY I know you've been at that point too! Lucky for me I just had them closed for about 20 minutes when I jumped up and remembered that I had to be at the Post Office by 5. I was lucky to see it was 4:25.

We had tickets to the Major league Baseball game in town that were going to waste so I made a handoff to the a friend that "would love to go" in the middle of the street in front of the post office (wow that's a long sentence). She headed off the the ballgame and I headed into the post office.

Home again Home again jiggity jig!

Decided that my family couldn't shower since we had no clean towels, started laundry but then left it all downstairs.

Made burritos for supper and crashed in bed! BUT not before I turned off the alarm. That event is becoming my favorite thing! Turning off the early morning alarm on Thursday night!

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