Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Say What?

Last week when I voted, I took little G with me. As we were walking in the building,

G asked, "Mom, you're voting for Obama aren't you?"

Me ~ "No, I don't think I will be."

G ~ "What, who else would you vote for?"

Me~ "I believe I'll be voting for John McCain."

G~ "I voted for Obama, because I wanted to vote for the first Black president."

Conversation was on hold while I filled out my paper work..... but my the little Obama backer started up once again as we entered the room to vote.

G ~ "Mom don't you want to make history?"

Me~ "No, I believe there is more to a man than color of his skin. Every person gets to vote, and it's important that you ALWAYS vote."

G~ "well, you know Mc Cain won't be winning and don't you want to vote for a winner?"

I got busy voting even though, G was little upset at my choice (and proceded to tell those working the voting booths)

As we walked out to the car. After a short conversation about WHERE his voting sticker was (the lady had given him one when we walked in)!

G ~ "well, mom if this where and how you vote then how will my vote at the school get here?"

M ~ " your vote at the school doesn't really count, it's only for fun."

G ~ "What do you mean my vote is only for fun?, it's my vote!"

M~ " you have to be 18 to vote, and it will be important that YOU ALWAYS vote!"

G ~ with look of disguise, "I don't think this is fair AT ALL."

I'm sure he was thinking
"Just How Can This Be!"


Becca said...

That's a cute story. It is just the way it is, isn't it...

Chanelle said...

LOL~ Poor kid! At least one day it will feel so good one he finally gets to vote.

Anonymous said...

Wow, was G aware that you voted for a "First" Lady Vice President?

We will make history, regardless of who wins the Presidential Race.

Besure and share with G, his Grandpa has been to see 2 of Sarah's rallies and is hoping to see her as the first lady VP.

This is from G & W's Grandma

Evamarie said...

LOL that is just too funny.

Shelly said...

Grandma are you forgetting about Gerdine Ferrero! I wasn't old enough to vote then!