Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Missed day Camp day #3

SIGH!..... if it's not one boy it's the other!

Yesterday after a long day at camp, I come home to W telling me about his swollen glands. At that first moment I didn't care to hear about anything other than, "mom, you look tired and wouldn't you love to sit down." AND certainly not "Mom, I've got all these lumps in my glands"

I dutifully felt all the lumps and heard about how he'd been on the internet researching it. Then when I didn't look more paniced about the situation he told me that "you know these could be cancer!"

Heavy SIGH!

I showered, I laid down, I decided that maybe I needed to think about this..... I called my nurse friend (she wasn't home)..... I thought he's 18, I could just tell him where to go to have this looked at and I could still go to day camp (Remember, there isn't anyone else to go in my place, or at least not one that is easily found especially the night before).

My nurse friend calls back .... if he's got that many and they're all over his body, he's got something and needs to be seen. I know you're thinking "why couldn't hubby just take him" ~ hubby was on the he needs to go to the ER bandwagon (not that moment but in the morning) .... cha ching x2!!

Long story short ... Mono! he's had the lumps for a few days (he found them while he was at the State Track Meet) but only has gotten tired since yesterday. 2 to 4 weeks and he'll be good as new.

AND I missed good cool weather at camp, I missed tie-dye, BBguns, bows and arrows.... boy W sure has fine timing! Little G came home with great stories!


Anonymous said...

W needs to talk to Julie about mono---she can tell him what he shouldn't do if he wants to get well soon!!! Aunt M

Shelly said...

Poor W I hope he gets better soon.LOVE G!