Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fun Friday

The day started out with everyone going their seperate ways. W and J(his girlfriend) used our Coterie Children's Theater tickets to go see a play. G and I went into our little town for G's final day of his "Surf's Up" class.

We then met up to celebrate J's birthday (which was last Wednesday). She wanted for us to go bowling for W's birthday but W didn't really want to so we never got to it. Today we (G, W and I) took her bowling and then miniature golfing. The girl smoked us in bowling ~ she kept saying she wasn't very good but she was MUCH better than us! J came in first with 130!, then G, W and ME! I'm either a gutter girl or a strike girl not much in between.
Just how can this be?
Then the kids took a couple turns on "The Vault". This is a timed game where you try to work your way through a hall of light sensors. Oh, I can't describe it well, it's like a mission impossible thing. There are green beams that you have to climb over and under to get to the other end. You know what I mean. Well, out bunch weren't so great at this. I believe G used his "smallness" to the best of his benefit and had the best time of our bunch.

Then we moved on to Miniature golf. G got a lesson from big brother W on how to hold the putter. This proved a difficult feat for all involved (and yes, all of were involved before it was over) since G is left handed and all of us are right handed.

We had a great afternoon.

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