Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday Recap.......

Things were busy the past week, thus not alot of posting!

G was involved in a community class this past week. They met every morning and worked on a putting on a play. They practiced they're lines, they worked on props and scenery. G is a great a memorizing and had his 2 lines down the first night. He was Jack (of Jack and Jill fame) and then little boy blue. With great excitement he performed his part perfectly on Friday morning. After the first play they acted out "Caps for Sale" where G was a monkey! Once again his performance was Oscar worthy!

I started a Beach Bum class a the gym this week. The first class was Tuesday evening. I spent the rest of the week recovering. Every muscle in my body ached this week. Hopefully I work them enough the rest of the week, that it won't be SO bad this week!

Hubby left mid week for a business trip 'out west' and then the boys and I travel to attend my Grandmother's funeral and visit with family.

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