Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hump Day Updates

Well, since I've kept you pretty well informed this week ~ the updates will be short but sweet.

Monday, G went to work with hubby and found some cousins there. He came home to report that Matt's oldest daughter has the same last name that we have! He thought that was amazing ~ he was even more amazed to find out that Matt's last name was the same as ours also!

I was out in the rain purchasing hubby a weight machine and G some church clothes. I looked like a drowned rat by the time I got home!

W and a Friend (the same that was awaken by scared Skipper) put the weight machine together when I got home. I have I mentioned how handy it is have a strong teenage son AND with friends?

Today -- we've been doing all the chores that were negelected the previous two days! Boy things really creep up on me! but today was catch up day! -- glad it's done!

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