Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday recap.....

I found this on the table this week after G had lunch!

Who says motherhood doesn't have it's rewards?!

G, the Proud Dad taking his baby butterflies out of for dinner. He wasn't quite ready to let them all go so he would take them out to eat a bit and then put them back in their hut. This morning he finally let them all go.

G enjoyed his time at cub scout day camp. The last day was cut short because of strong winds, but the boys got to tye-die, shoot bow and arrows, and shoot the BB guns before they came home.

Today G went fishing with our neighbor, Jim. G and Jim are buddies and have a great time together.

Poor Skipper is a bit shell shocked from all the storms this week. I've been leaving him outside at night but he's always happy when W comes in later and lets him in the garage! Just in case! As a matter of fact Skipper is at the back window looking at me, wanting in the garage.

Even W is a bit weary of the weather. We had another thunderstorm a couple of nights ago. I called to tell W he should come home. I heard him pull up but then someone was knocking at the back door, it was W. He thought he'd park behind the house just in case it hailed the house would protect his truck! I wondered why he didn't just move my van and pull in the garage!? I'm sure he doesn't want his truck looking like my van!


Regina said...

That's so cool about the butterflies! How did you guys care for them? I love the tip also :), very cute.


Shelly said...

Regina ~

The whole story of the butterflies is..... we bought a 'butterfly hut' ($15) from Wal-mart which had a coupon for butterfly larva. The larva came from You can get similar huts from insectlore also.

I'm not so pleased with the hut ... you couldn't really see the butterflies inside of them.

I'm not sure what the answer is to that but still my little guy really enjoyed watching them.

thanks for the comment!