Wednesday, September 24, 2008

EveryDay Math

What is Everyday Math you say?
It's the Math that is being taught in our schools ~
it's NOTHING like you think Math should be.

To add.......

202 + 156 = 358

200 + 100 =300
0+50 = 50
2+6 =8

300+50+8 =358
basically it's add from the left to the right, hundreds, tens and then ones
(unlike the math that we know which is adding from the right to the left ones to the hundreds)
To subtract......
468 -274 = 198 ~ wanna see how G is getting it?

Not by subtracting but by adding.

274 + 100=374
374 + 90=364
364 +8 = 468

100+90+8 = 198
Once again from the left to the right.

Did you get that?

When do you wanna come over and help with Math Homework?

The sad part is if G doesn't get it in class then I don't know how to help! Good thing for us if I let G sleep on it, he can usually tell me how to do it in the morning.

I think I could title this Just How Can this Be?


Karies place said...

I HATE how the do math now adays. My dd and I have been doing Saxon 4th grade and they use a term called re-grouping. Couldn't figure out what that meant until we started doing some of the problems. UGH! I told her we were going to call it "carrying over" as I was taught. She was fine with that.


Shelly said...

I'm impressed how much quicker and easier this 'new' way is to do in your head. I'm even doing it!

The students really get it, it's just the 'mom' sitting at home that is frustrated.