Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cub Scouts ~ Ciaos

Tomorrow, Little G starts cub Scout Day camp! The lady that was planning it all totally dropped the ball, (well she had all the paper work done but nothing else) by the time I walked into church today ~ there were 4 frantic ladies and a disillusioned man searching for me. I don't really know why ~ I didn't know anything but they must have thought I did.

Let the Ciaos begin ~
One hour later ~ I had it all planned and a list of things to do ~ I have to say that I'm good at whipping things together at the last minute BUT I really don't like to do that! I'd really rather either not be involved at all or be in charge from the very beginning... OH, well neither of those happened today.

I can say that the boys will never know the difference and they'll have a ball.

Now let the organized Ciaos begin .......


Anonymous said...

Ciaos (Pronounced See-a-os)

Chaos (Pronounced K-os)

--W a.k.a. the kid that loves to correct your grammatical and pronuncial errors

Love ya

Shelly said...

Who taught how to be grammatical correct? Enough said!