Friday, May 15, 2009

Have a Splendid day???

"Have a Splendid day!" "have a splendid day?" who says that? Splendid, no body says Splendid. Well, Rex Harrison maybe, Julie Andrews maybe, Burt from Mary Poppins would be certain say it and the Queen of course would say Splendid. But on this side of the pond, who says splendid? When does someone decide they're going to say "Have a Splendid day."? Did they just wake up one day and decide "I'm going to add "splendid" to my vocabulary."? and at what age does one decide to add "Splendid" to their vocabulary? It doesn't really seem like a college years addition.

These are all question that I've pondered today. It all started as I was checking out at Target, when I heard the gentleman behind me tell his clerk, "have a Splendid day"! I whipped my head around, at whiplash speed to see this gentleman. He look quite normal in his polo shirt, khaki shorts and loafer, not the 'splendid' type. Actually, as I followed him out the door, not in a stalking way, just as two customers leaving at the same time way. I thought he looked like he was the business suit kind of man, not a casual Joe type. But still not a splendid type. AND does he use splendid in the board room. Does he tell his associates, "Have a Splendid day"?

Hey, it added to my splendid day!

1 comment:

Karies place said...

:) I like it. It comes from an era where people were more polite, and children were under parents control and minded.