Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday thoughts

my notes from today......

* We has humans ... forget. This is why the scriptures repeatedly tell us to REMEMBER

We celebrate Easter each week when we partake of the Sacrament

*sometimes we only see that right in front of us. Usually that is the difficult or the discouraging.

Movie ..African Queen. They were stuck in the mud and couldn't see that they were just feet away from the River.

*We need to make sure we're looking at the bigger (eternal)picture.
*What is our bigger plan?
*How can we know and keep our eye on Eternal picture?
** Holy ghost
**Keep the commandments so the Holy ghost can stay with us
**repent, the Holy ghost can't dwell in unclean things

teach/stick with true doctrine and principles

in times of trouble (spiritual, emotional and economically) the church is a safety net, not the cure all. We must know how to handle our situations
*yesterday's luxuries are NOT today's necessities
*young people want to start out with what their parent's worked years and years to get.

*Live together in Love
*leopard's can't change their spots, but men can change daily.

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