Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Git 'r Done Tuesday

Today is the first of what I hope are many "Git 'r Done" days.

My friend, Stephanie have set aside every other Tuesday afternoon as a day to get those things done that done ever seem to get done!

Today we were at her house and she got to pick what we work on. She choose that we work on her family history. Help get things lined out. I was to teach her how to check things out and set her on her way! It's little bites for her, so we worked together and I gave her a small assignment!

BUT before I left for her house, I'd made a list last night AND I needed to get that list done this morning! I think that entire list had something to do with PAPER! and as I went through the pile of PAPER, I found other things that could be easily taken care of! Can I just say online banking and online bill pay are GREAT things!

I loved the feeling as I left home .... with my pile of mail to be mailed, paper sorted, and my recycling to be recycled. It felt SOOOoooo good to get things done and then go help some one else get things done!

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