Friday, June 10, 2011

5 for Friday


It appears that our AC is not cooling.

Of course I discover this after 5 on Friday afternoon.

But the weather looks cooler for the weekend.

And our AC man, who is headed out of town

said he'd call us Sunday afternoon.


It's been a HOT week here so we've gone to

water the flowers and more specific the tomato plants 3 times a day.

Morning, afternoon and night.


One the things on my todo list today was to go by my friend's house and put her yard cart back up. Yesterday I have taken my recycles to her house (her recycling truck picks up everything, when my truck is selective), put them in her yard cart, when I couldn't find her recycling tub. Rolled the cart to the curb and left. My friend is out of town, but knew I was had things for her curb. Today when I went by the cart was gone! Sudden fear set in, someone had taken her yard cart! I went around the back of her house and there was the yard cart with all my recycling in it! He husband (we guess, he didn't say anything about it to her) had moved the cart last night and thus my recycling was still there! We'll try again next week!


G's 5th grade class pool party was today.

He'd gone to the pool yesterday and got sunburnt.

If this hadn't been an eagerly anticipated party I would have veto it.

Instead I just slathered him with sunscreen and sent him on his way.

He was so pink that the Pool Manager that knows him,

took him into her office and reapplied sunscreened.

I see this often and always laugh at Skipper.

He likes to eat laying down???

I've never seen a dog (or any animal for that matter) eat laying down,

but it seems to be Skippers favorite position!

When he saw that I was going to take his picture he looked up,

wagged his tail and just went back to eating!?!?

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