Friday, June 17, 2011

5 for Friday

This week .....
G and his Boy Scout troop went on a 10 miles bike ride. G was a bit nervous about this since the older Boy Scouts were invited but as it turned out he had a BLAST. Half of the group stopped on the first 5 mile loop but G was all in for another loop!
As you know my Air Conditioner was out all week, which was really fine UNTIL I needed to look good when I was going somewhere. I had a PEO meeting on Tuesday, not only a meeting but a luncheon before! The meal was wonderful and atmosphere was great, but getting ready was a HOT MESS. You know the kind of mess where you're trying to get your hair dry, and the humidity won't let you and then you're sweating because your HOT curling your hair. I finally just had to give up and let it be.
Farmer Bob cut, raked, and baled the hay this week much to G's delight!
The day after the hay was baled G came in yelling that he found a rattle Snake. I stopped him asked where?
G ~ "at the edge of the field, right by the yard"
Me ~ "I don't think we have rattle Snakes around here. Why would you think it was a rattle snake?"
G ~ "cuz it had it's tail up shaking"
Me ~ "was it making a rattle sound."
G ~ "no, but when they're small they don't make noise."
Me ~ "was it small"
G ~ "well, no but it's a rattle snake! Where's dad?"
I guess the conversation wasn't going the way he wanted with me.
After a few minutes outside he came running back in and said, "well, it's dead now"
Me ~ "how did you do that?"
G ~ "I hacked it's head off!"
Me ~ " With what? You're grandma would be proud of you"
G ~ " The shovel. Now I'm going to show it to dad (who was in the basement)!"
Me ~"WAIT, you're not bring THAT thing in the house!"
G paused to think...... "ah, I wasn't"
After putting on the basement concrete, and having hubby look at it, it was a Bull Snake. We have alot of those! Well, not alot (not like the snake house that was on the news this week) but we do have Bull Snakes around.
When I asked G how he got the snake to the concrete, he replied ... I carried it! but of course he had gloves on ....My good winter gloves were found by the basement door!?!?
This evening Hubby called when he was almost home to say this was just up the road!

G and I jumped in the car driving to meet one of

G's idols!

G in Heaven, chatting with Reed Timmer

of DiscoveryChannel's Storm Chaser

Reed told him that he was scared of storms

when he was his age too! Then he started

studying the storms.

G checking out the Denominator!

These were the clouds they were watching,

but Reed told me that they were weakening,

but more would pop up over night, being just

strong thunder storms. BUT this area needs

to watchful on Monday. Things could be active

on Monday. This little tidbit we're not sharing

with G!

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