Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 5th of July!

Due to raining cats and dogs last night the 4th of July was canceled at our house. There were tears among the raindrops but everything was made right tonight (among the threat of rain).

There was a quiet passing of the punk this year.

G had been lighting his smoke bombs and parachute men for the past couple of days but tonight he lite his own fountains and barrel fireworks. I stood on the deck while W gave him instructions (what a proud mom I was) and watched him light them and run like the devil! Finally his big brother told him to watch the punk when he ran. That slowed him down a bit!

This was also a year without the "ear muffs" (as G calls them). He's growing up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your comments on the Celebration at your place. G'ma