Saturday, May 3, 2008

Track Meet by the Numbers

25 School buses in the parking lot
I was there 2 hours before W's first jump
it was 60 degrees when I arrived
the wind was strong at about 30 mph
one school drove 6 hours to get there
we drove 30 minutes
3 1/2 hours G played Game boy under a blanket
W is ranked 3rd in the tri-county
W jumped a 39'10"
Kid from L jumped 39'10 1/2"
it was 40 degrees when I left
thankful for 3 layers of clothing
Wind still blowing at about 30 mph
Total hours G played Game boy 4
W placed 3rd
6 days to the League Track Meet
15 days to regional track Meet
21 days to the State Track Meet
1 Mom that prays he'll do his best

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