Sunday, August 17, 2008

Week's recap

Today was my day to speak in Church. I was given the subject of "How does knowing that the Savior loves me effect my relationship with others?" It was a challenging and difficult to research. It's over now and I feel comfortable with what I'd put together.

J, W's girlfriend went to church with us. The poor girl has poison ivy on her legs, she's miserable at times.

Hubby and W put more rock on yesterday, they have only a few hours to do so, as the it gets too hot and sunny. The stuff dries out too quickly. Neither of them get started too early on Saturday mornings.

On Friday, my friend Susan and I attended the "Sunflower Olympics". It was the first assembly at G's school. It was fun and LOUD ~ a lot of children screaming at a high pitch in a gym! Can you image?

Both boys started school this week. G on Wednesday and W on Thursday. W is in Student council so he was involved in the Freshman orientation on Wednesday. They both seem to be enjoying it. I had to pick both of them up one day this week and they were stumbling all over each other trying to share their day with me. I loved it.

W's courses are College level English and Math, Photography, Strength, parenting, Choir, current social issues, and resource management. He has all of his more difficult classes on one day and then a more relaxed day the next. This week he'll start soccer practice. This year we have the luxury of not starting soccer games until after Labor Day.

I think that covers the last part of the week! Now to start the next week.......

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