AT 7am ~ folding laundry
8am ~ playing basketball
This was G's last Basketball game.
G's team hasn't won a game all season, but this game was close.
GASP! They went into overtime 12 to 12. it was a sudden death and the other team got a basket first! It was all good.
9am Driving home...
These fertilizer tanks are everywhere on the Prairie this weekend!
10am ~ Recycling and Friend time
First Recycling and then pick up G's friend for some fun time!
11am ~ playing and wrapping
I believe the building is a Star War's fortress! and in the foreground the present for the wedding reception tonight!
12 Noon ~ got this text
W went off to a Power lifting tournament today. He's been lifting all winter. I really didn't know what to expect other than I was sending a VERY excited boy this morning! I texted him all morning without any response, but finally at Noon his girlfriend sends this.......
1pm ~ Stephanie's flowers
I was getting these flowers to ready to take to my friend, Stephanie. When she called. Back up a couple of days, Stephanie and I (and others) were at the church on Thursday morning when she got a phone call that her sister had unexpectedly died. It was heartbreaking to watch Stephanie come to grips with this news. Just I was getting the card ready to go with these tulips, she called to give me an update on how her parents were doing! I'll sneak these into her house tomorrow so she can find them when she gets home.
2pm ~ choice
I really want to go curl up and read some on a book I've been reading (any book for that matter) but there are still things to pick up, sweep up, dust off, wipe off.......I chose to clean up! 3pm ~ finally talked to W
below is the note I made when I was talking with him..... can you read it?
OK, I didn't really know what I was sending him off to do this morning, or how well he'd do. Back up... this boy has a great "I can do this" spirit! years ago when he was 8 we went ice skating, he'd never been ice skating but we'd just watched the Olympics. All the way to the rink he told me all about the jumps and spins he was going to do....??? well, when we got there reality set in and I'm sure you can figure the rest out.
Then last year he goes to an off season indoor track meet. You pay your entrance fee and you can sign up for any events you want (one might think that you'd only sign up those you knew how to do, but you could sign up anything!) W sign up for his long jump, triple jump and then thought he'd try the High jump. I'll just stop this by saying when reality set in he can't high jump!
So I wondered about this morning. He had trained all winter, but what would he go up against. As you can tell, in reality he was ready! He tried to tie the State Record but didn't make it! He ended up 2nd overall in his weight class! (note translation: he took 1st in the Clean, 2nd in the squat, and 4th in the bench. He tried for the state record but didn't get it.)
I'm so shocked and proud of him! No more asking him if he can lift this or that ...I'll just tell him to move it!
4pm ~ I'm blogging!
OK, I'm done with the pictures....I have to get ready for this reception and you don't need pictures of that!
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