Wednesday, July 1, 2009

new Shelves all over the place

Several of my summer chores involved cleaning out and organizing. I want to create organization of my chaos and this summer was going to see it happen.

I've pulled everything out of one side of basement storage room. The side will all my food storage in it. Sort through it, put up wonderful shelves and put it all back .... well, not everything but I'm waiting on hubby to sort through some of HIS boxes.

FYI ~ if you'd like to see hubby's financial papers all the way back to the 80's, we have them for your viewing! receipts, bank statements, tax returnes, returned checks...... goodness!

I still have to replace the light in that portion of the storage room, but that will be soon. I don't look forward to that since it will be pitch black in there until I get the new light up! Oh well, I have 'willing' (?) sons the hold the flashlight!?!?

I also put up new shelves in the office, better, stronger, higher. I love organization!

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