Wednesday, December 3, 2008

On the move

These little teeth are on the move, well actually these little jaws are on the move. No, not just from talking ~ G has a mouth full of appliances all in an effort to widen his little mouth. He had the lower "lip bumper" put in last week, and then the top separator put in yesterday. He's quite sore today and VERY dippy (it causes him to produce extra saliva) We have the Tylenol on hand very 4 hours and the slurps constantly. Both will subside in a couple of days. If all goes as planned then he'll be appliance free when he heads back to school in the fall!
I have to say that I really dreaded this, he is a dramatic child. I thought this was going to be a full blown 3 act play of drama, but it's not he's done really well, and hasn't complained.

1 comment:

Becca said...

My 9 year old has braces and my daughter is close behind him for some dental help. It is so expensive!!! Sigh*