Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday thoughts

This Sunday I got to church on time, but our seats were already taken (by the family that walked in right before me), so I sat in the comfy chairs of the foyer and waited for my family. At this point I was sitting alone and as the services started they came to close the chapel doors. I didn't like that, I felt like I was being shut out, but in a effort to sit with my late family I had to be sitting in the foyer....again.
This week in the foyer was different, there weren't any little children sitting out there with us, only us and a couple of other quiet people, thus I was able to focus on the words and thoughts being spoken.

Forgiveness ~
* God Forgives, and we should too!
*it's not just forgetting, it's a process of forgiveness
*We don't have control over other's activities, we only have control over ourselves and how we react and feel.
*As Christ hung on the Cross, He asked for forgiveness for those that had done this.

Hope ~
This man spoke of a story that he'd heard of 2 football teams, one that didn't have any fans, or support from their community and the other that had overwhelming support. The fans from the supportive school, divided up their fans, and cheer leaders to go to the 'other side' for the night and what a difference it made in the game and in these boys playing. Those boys had hope!
*You are just as valuable as anyone else
*What would happen if someone suddenly showed love, care, and hope for you?
*What would happen if you suddenly showed love, care and hope for someone else?'
*the greatest gift we can give is hope
*Hope comes from Christ, we are all weak and he gives up hope.
*Christ gives us all Hope and our Hope through Him makes us strong.
*Hope ~ Faith ~Love ~ Testimony

1 comment:

Karies place said...

Wouldn't it be nice if we all did that. What a better world it would be.