Thursday, January 21, 2010

should have just stuck to my one thing!

I went to the city today to run errands, plain and simple.

My friend called me to ask if she could tag along, she a had couple of errands and then we'd have lunch. Sounded perfect to me!

One of her errands was to Hobby Lobby. There was one thing I'd been wanting to get there, no big deal I'd just run get my thing then I'd tag along with her.

She stuck to her one thing .... I didn't!

I got my one small craft item and then I saw it ......I'd been wanting a black mirror to replace my wood mirror ...they didn't have a black one but a very dark one ...AND at 50% off.... in the cart it went.

I got home worked at getting it up before hubby got home. I worked and worked, stupid screws won't hit the right spots! Ahhh, there it was hung perfectly .... I step back to marvel that the beauty I'd just hung and things went blurry!?!

The mirror was terrible. As long as I was close up it was fine, but when I stepped back a few steps it was horrible. I left the room, refusing to look at it, but when I did ~ carnival style mirror re-appeared.

I took it down and put the old brown one back up. I'll return it tomorrow.
Should have just stuck to my one item!

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