This afternoon I sat at the computer as W sat in the recliner. We're side by side, me facing the wall (and my computer) and W facing out into the room with his laptop.
Let me just fill you in on what we discussed/saw/discovered/investigated.
Kobie Byrant is 6'6"
Lil Wayne is 5'6"
Shaq is over 7'
Little Jimmy Dickens is 4'11"
We looked up pictures of the above people. Some of them were standing next to each other.
W ~ discovered that if you start to put "How tall is Lil' .." into Google you'll be prompted to see "How tall is Lil' boots" HUH?
W ~ "WHO is Little Jimmy Dickens?" and "why does he wear clothes that look like that?" "OH, he's a Grand
Opry guy."
W ~ "did you know that Dad can't stand Steve Carrel? He says his voice is like finger nails on a chalk board."
Me ~ "Well, you know your daddy isn't a big laughter and not even a giggler. Who would he like?"
W~ "OH, wait he told me......"
Me ~ "Milton Berle?"
W~ "Who's Milton Berle?"
Me ~ "Exactly"
W ~ "no , he said he liked Richard Pryor."
When I was telling about Hubby getting his blood drawn by the Scottish nurse yesterday and the "Bite yer face off" comment.....
W~ "did you tell about the time that Jared, Alex and I spoke all day at the pool with accents?"
Me ~ "No, what kind of accents?"
W ~ "Jared Australian, Alex Irish and I had a Chinese accent."
Me ~ "did you blow your whistles with an accent?" ( I thought lifeguards don't really talk that much, they blow their whistles all day)
W~ busting out with laughter, "NO"
W checked my blog....
W ~ "mom, you're not a very consistent blogger." "OH, did I tell you I have a new doodle?"
Tune in for that next Tuesday.
W~ "last week on my way to my first aid class I was sitting at a light in front of campus, and I wondered what would happen if a pedestrian stumble and fell, would the cars be able to stop. When I noticed a pedestrian stumble, recover and kept on walking, but he turned towards me and his face was covered with blood. I tried to turn around but when I finally could, the man was gone."
Me ~ "do you think that was a sign?"
W~ "I don't know, but I did turn around and try to find him. He'd just disappeared"
Then I went off to pick up G and W went off to run.