Friday, July 15, 2011

Life on Thursday!

Swim Team and workout!

Took G to Strength, ran my Walmart Rx errand

Back home to quickly get showered and ready for a trip to the city after I dropped G off at a friends for a sleep over. That boy has TOO much excitement to really get anything done.

Drop G off and head to the City. Just a few errands. I've joined a team for a 'city wide' Slim Down contest and had to go weigh in for that. I've been doing a slim down challenge at my local Y for the past month and dropped 12 pounds thus far! Feelin' great!

Ran to the Sporting goods store for new shirts for Hubby, and some running items for G. G will be thrilled since they have 'logos' on them!

Went to eat at my favorite Pei Wei. Ate before I weighed in, I wanted to be the heaviest I could be!

Then off to mattress shop! I'm not the one that will complain about the mattress so I'm not really the one who needs to picking it out. BUT the statement was made (even though I believe it to be a loaded statement) "you get it and I'll lay on it!" After 22 years I find this statement difficult to believe!?!

Home again for a few minutes of cooling off.

Off again to my Y for a Healthy Cooking class. Tonight we made healthy chicken salad (it showed us how to be creative with our ingredients) wrapped in cabbage. The instructor gave us the merit of cabbage! It was good and I'll try it!

Home and to bed!

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